


My name is Emiliano Castellano. I am a Frontend Engineer from Uruguay 🇺🇾
and this is my portfolio. Check it out!

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My experience.

Frontend Developer

Glovo - February, 2022

Currently working as a Senior Frontend developer maintaining a web platform for Glovo partners where they can manage their own store doing things like editing the menu, products, store settings, etc. The tech stack is VueJS | Pinia | SASS.

Full Stack Developer | Frontend Architect

Spark Digital - November, 2020

Worked as a full stack developer maintaining a web platform for Chemistry students in the USA. The tech stack was React | Redux | SASS | NodeJS | MySQL. My responsibilities went from implementing new features/bug fixing and taking care of the frontend architecture/components as a facilitator.

Frontend and Mobile Developer

Oktana Corporation - October, 2018

Worked as a frontend and mobile developer on a dynamic team. We maintained a web platform where we use React, Redux and Redux-sagas, Sass and Node as the main technologies and a mobile app that uses Expo (React Native wrapper).

Team Lead | Full Stack Developer

Takeoff Media - May, 2015

Started as a full stack developer using technologies as AngularJS, Wordpress (theme creation from scratch), Yii Framework, Ionic 2. After an year, I started to lead a dynamic team where we built multiple fun projects based on the mentioned technologies.

Full Stack Developer

AMECOM - January, 2014

Created a web platform that allow users to schedule doctor appointments by selecting a specific hospital, a doctor, and a specific date. The technologies used were Zend framework (PHP), CSS, and SQL Server.

Hope you are having a nice day ☕️


Portfolio | 2022

NextJS + Chakra UI

My wedding | 2021

NextJS + Chakra UI

Escuela+ | 2017

Website: Wordpress | Mobile app: Ionic 4

© 2022 Portfolio - Emiliano Castellano